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Godina izlaženja: IX • Uređuje: Zlatko Milenković • Gagarinova 10/4, Novi Sad • email:
Valjevo, 1980.
-Once upon a time lived a cat.
-He lived in a fairytale. (book says:cat with no boots)
-Precisely, in a book. On every page, stood a picture of him.
-Cat believed that the time was continuous.
-But he couldn't know that readers of his book turned the pages as they wanted…
- …changing time flaw for a poor cat.
- Cat didn't know about events on the pages after the current one, even if they have already been redden. (book: cat with no boots)
- He only remembered events on previous pages. He didn't even have a black spots in memory.
- Even worse: cat didn't believe in destiny. He thought future was depending on him and his actions.
-Although it was written a long time ago and he lived through it many times. (Of course, from our perspective).
-Cat proved the existence of three-dimensional world, but he could never imagine it, because his mind was two-dimensional.
-Cat discovered many physical laws.
-A boy was reading his book, sending him in past and future. (Cat couldn't know that, of course)
-The boy was reading, and reading…
- …and believing that the time was continuous.
Valjevo, 1980.
Rođen 1980. U Valjevu.
Do 1992 živeo u Zvorniku (BiH) a nadalje u Valjevu. Završio Valjevsku gimnaziju (u smislu maturirao, ne u smislu da je učestvovao u izgradnji zgrade). Trenutno živi u Beogradu gde studira Elektrotehnički fakultet (prosek: 7.769).
Crtao stripove oduvek. 98' pohađao valjevsku strip-školu koju je vodio Milivoje Kostić. Učestvovao na par izložbi, a njegov rad može se videti i u katalogu "Cool strip art anthology". Takođe zauzima par kvadratnih centimetara u "Yoghurtu", dodatku "Stripburecka 2", druga strana pri vrhu na sredini. Piše članke za StripVesti kad god stigne. Odnedavno se njegov dnevni strip vrti na adresi
* * *
Born in 1980., in Valjevo.
Lived in Zvornik (Bosnia) until 1992, when he moved back to Valjevo. Finished gymnasium in Valjevo (in a sense of matriculation, not building). Currently living in Belgrade, studying Electrical engineering (average grade: 7.769).
Drew comics since he's been holding a pen. Went to comic-drawing school leaded by Milivoje Kostic in 98'. Participated a few exhibitions, and can also be seen in "Cool strip art anthology" catalog. Occupying a few square inches of space in "Yoghurt", addition of "Stripbureck 2", second page at the top, centered. Writes for StripVesti whenever he can. Since recently, his daily comic strip is hangin' on
Often makes grammatickal errors when writes in english.