prosli broj - arhiva - sledeci broj



2. FABLES DE BOSNIE (nagrada) (kekec)
3. L'ASSOCIATION (Comix 2000) (Darko Macan)
-Batman/Tarzan - Kordej
-Fabulous furry freak brothers - film
-Treca strana medalje
6. GREEN MOVIE (poziv na saradnju) (zmcomics)

Svi prilozi su vlasnistvo autora. U slucaju da zelite da ih na bilo koji nacin eksploatisete, molimo Vas da se obratite autorima priloga, koji su potpisani (uz potpis ce uvek ici i email adresa putem koje mozete kontaktirati autora), u slucaju da nisu potpisane mozete ih slobodno koristiti jer su to neautorizovane vesti ovog servisa, STRIP VESTI.

Sajt na kom cete uvek moci da procitate stare brojeve STRIP VESTI i
jos neke druge sadrzaje vezane za strip je na sledecoj adresi:

Stize napokon i dvadeseti, jubilarni, broj Strip Vesti. Sa obiljem informacija, na moje prijatno iznenadjenje, i to sa pozitivnim pred- znakom. Da odbacimo maler i krenemo ka boljim stripovskim danima.

Nadam se da ce ovaj broj razuveriti sve one koji sumnjaju u brz oporavak strip scene posle svega ovog sto se desavalo. Strip je na nasim podnebljima oduvek zavisio od individualaca sto u nekoj normalnoj situaciji i nije bas dobro, ali nama u ovakvom zivotnom okruzenju daje sansu da se brzo oporavimo i vratimo na kolosek.

Stanje u nasem stripu i nije bilo sjajno tako da se nije tesko vratiti na predhodno stanje, vazno je samo da su ljudi tu i da imaju volje da nastave gde su stali. Ja sam stao kod obecanja da vam SVesti saljem cetvrtkom ali nije islo (ovog puta zbog licnih obaveza), barem sam uspeo da se vratim na nedeljno izlazenje.

S postovanjem,

Zlatko Milenkovic


Strip Vesti imaju cast da vas medju prvima obaveste da ce se na sledecem festivalu stripa u Angoulemu (naredni 27. festival ce se odrzati od 25. do 30. januara 2000. godine) odrzati i izlozba Srpskog stripa.

Generalni direktor verovatno najznacajnijeg svetskog strip festivala koji se odrzava svake godine u Angulemu, Zan Mark Tevne (Jean-Marc Thevenet) poslao je zvanicni poziv Slobodanu Ivkovu da izvrsi selekciju strip autora iz Srbije.

To ce biti prvi put uopste da strip autori iz Srbije organizovano izlazu radove na jednoj ovakvoj smotri. Tamosnje interesovanje je veliko jer su o nasim strip autorima njihove kolege i kriticari iz inostranstva mnogo culi, a pojedine su i videli u svojim casopisima. Zanimanje strucne javnosti je verovatno malo podgrejalo i, posle vise od 20 godina ponovo 1998. objavljeno, drugo prosireno izdanje "Svetske enciklopedije stripa" Morisa Horna za koje je, na zahtev autora te enciklopedije, Slobodan Ivkov napisao odrednice o cuvenim srpskim medjuratnim umetnicima ove graficke discipline.

O formi prezentacije i preciznom nacinu postavke dela nasih autora, definitivnu odluku ce uskoro doneti strucni tim festivala.

Strip Vesti

2. FABLES DE BOSNIE (nagrada)

Fables de Bosnie

"Bosanske basne", posle Hermannovog albuma "Sarajevo Tango" i Cubertovog stripa "Fax From Sarajevo", jedno od najboljih (ako ne i najbolje) stripovsko ostvarenje o balkanskim ratnim igrama. Autor stripa je Tomaz Lavric (starijim ljubiteljima stripa poznat po politickom geg-stripu Diareja koji je u osamdesetim izlazio u Mladini). Bosanske basne su pre nekoliko meseci izasle kod vodece Francuske izdavacke kuce Glenat, sto je i prvi prevod nekog slovenackog stripa na strani jezik. "Fables de Bosnie" je pre nedelju dana na strip festivalu u Sierru kod Crans Montane osvojio Grand Prix, dakle prvu nagradu. To je ujedno i prva nagrada sa tog festivala za nekog crtaca izdavacke kuce Glenat.


3. L'ASSOCIATION (Comix 2000)

Za one koji jos nisu poslali (a namjeravali su) radove za L'Associationovu kolekciju Comix 2000, moze ih razveseliti cinjenica da je rok produzen do 15.7. ove godine.

Ponovimo: strip bez rijeci, 3-15 strana (sigurnije vam je pucati nizem broju strana), format otprilike 2:3.

Darko Macan

P.S. Vinkovaccki Salon trebao bi se odrzati oko 15.7.

(detaljne propozicije za ucesce u ovom projektu mozete naci na sajtu SVesti #8, zainteresovani mogu i da se jave na moju adtresu pa cu im poslati kompletan tekst sa propozicijama. zmcomics)


Colectivo Phanzynex is summoning the tenth issue of International Exhibition of Fanzines and Pro-zines (Expofanzines), that will be included within the programme of 11th Xornadas de Banda Deseñada (Ourense Comic Convention). It will be again opened to amateur publications of any kind of subject and from all over the world. 10th Expofanzines and 11th Xornadas will take place from 1st to 9th October, 1999 at the premises of the Casa da Xuventude of Ourense - - a unique institution that coordinates socio-cultural activities for the youth.

In order to take part in it, you just have to send a copy of your fanzine(s) - it (they) will be included in the exhibition and also in the free catalogue. Please indicate clearly your postal address (and the electronic one, if you have), as well as any other datum that you consider interesting, specially if it has changed since the last issue of Expofanzines. New titles and new issues (received since april 1999) will appear in bold characters in the catalogue, and more space and commentaries will be devoted to them in it. In addition to this, some of the best fanzines will be highlighted in the sixth issue of our colour-covered magazine O Fanzine das Xornadas - it will be sent free to every participant (and to every one who asks for it), along with the Expofanzines catalogue.

The deadline to be included in catalogue is 31st August, 1999. We cannot guarantee the publications that come after that date to be entered in catalogue, and in no way in O Fanzine das Xornadas #6.

Please send your 'zines to
Colectivo Phanzynex
Rúa Manuel Murguía 15-5ºD
E-32005 Ourense (Galicia, Spain)

And your ideas, doubts, questions..., either to that address
or to the fax number +34 988 249930
or to the electronic mail address

We thank you very much for your collaboration beforehand. Please, spread this summoning!

Ourense, May 1999

* * *

* It is possible that we will be on vacation in the first fortnight of July. So, if you send a parcel or any letter that requires signing on delivery (e.g. a registered one), provide it is not going to arrive in those days, for it could be unintentionally returned.
* Make sure that the fanzine data are (if possible) written inside it, as a precaution against any misplacing of envelopes and letters enclosed with it.
* If you need some other copy of Expofanzines catalogues or O Fanzine das Xornadas issues, you can ask for them for free to our address. We will try to meet your request as soon as we can, provided that we have stock of copies.

(informaciju smo dobili zahvaljujuci Darku Macanu)


Uskoro, 22.septembra, krece nova mini-serija koja ce se satojati od cetiri broja i objavljivati zajednicku avanturu Betmene (batman) i Tarzana. Prva sveska ce nositi naziv "Claws of Catwoman" izdavac je Dark Horse Comics, dok je DC Comics suizdavac.
Za nas je najzanimljivija cinjenica da ce tu seriju crtacki uraditi Igor Kordej po scenariju Ron Marz-a, dok ce korice islikati Dave Dorman.
Deo radnje ce se odvijati u Gothamu, deo u dzungli a deo u Barroughsovom izgubljenom egipatskom gradu. A karakteri ce biti uradjeni u Catwoman stilu(?).

Film Roman je ovih dana potpisao ugovor sa Gilbert Sheltonom za izradu animiranog filma, koji ce imati za cilj da na filmsko platno prebaci legendarni underground strip ovog, sad proslavljeno, autora. Rec je naravno o strip serijalu "FABULOUS FURRY FREAK BROTHERS".

Platinum odgovara na optuzbe: From THE SPLASH PAGE at

June 7: Last Friday the SPLASH ran a story on the PLATINUM STUDIOS deal under the headline "PLATINUM SIGNS BIG HOLLYWOOD DEALS, OFFERS SMALL PERCENTAGES TO CREATORS!". We got an immediate call from Lee Nordling over at the PLATINUM offices, telling us we'd misinterpreted their deal and asking us to check it out more closely. Sure enough, it looks like we got it wrong in our intial report! Here are the details:

The SPLASH said: "On the publishing end, PLATINUM will not really publish any books. If it succeeds in licensing a property to another publisher it does so under an 80/20 profit split, with 20% going to the Creator." This is incorrect. The Platinum deal actually involves an 80/20 split of "direct market receipts", meaning that the creator would realize 20% of what Diamond paid for the books rather than 20% of whatever profit, if any, the book generated. While we've never seen a publishing deal structured like this, it appears it could be substantially fairer to the creator than what we reported. The SPLASH also said: "It appears that the deals they are offering are non-competitive with other companies such as FULL MOON, MOTOWN, KITCHEN SINK and DARK HORSE that have attempted the same 'comics to film' dynamic. Kitchen Sink reportedly took 40% of any property sold to Hollywood, while Dark Horse and virtually all of the European publishers work a 50-50 split with creators while offering decent page rates and/or publishing advances and no limit on how much a creator might realize from a sale." The SPLASH was incorrectly comparing the apples of comics publishing deals with the oranges of PLATINUM's film production deals. Scott Rosenberg explains the difference this way: "If we acquire a property, it's as a production company with the intent to develop the project for film and television, and if a comic book is not yet published and requires financing, we'll pay all of those costs. As a production company, our entire development staff is geared totally for film and television-we don't even produce comics out of our LA office, which is for development-and we actually produce the picture for the studios or financiers we set the projects up with. In general, (option fees and advances aside), intellectual properties are acquired by production companies for 5% (sometimes 10%) of profits. We generally acquire with a pool of 10% for the creators involved. Thus, if a publishing company offers a 50-50% split to creators and options a property to a third party film or television production company that pays 5%-10% of profits, the creators make 2 1/2%- 5% of profits (as compared to the 10% we offer)."

The SPLASH also said, "PLATINUM says page rates will be small and it locks the creator into the above percentages just by signing the Submission Form." While PLATINUM admits advance page rates will be small, they say the signing of the Submission Form "opens the door for Platinum Studios to be able to review material sent by creators. It does not confirm the specific terms of future agreements, as those are negotiated on a case by case basis." While that may be their intent, the Submission Form creators must sign to have their project reviewed does include the phrase: "If we agree to option or acquire your project, Platinum Studios pays 5-10% of Producers Adjusted gross Profits...ranging up to $100,000..."

The SPLASH also said: "Platinum caps any advance or purchase price at $100,000." This is a distortion of the actual deal dynamics. Rosenberg explains it this way: "We offer guaranteed advances to creators ranging up to $100,000 for produced pictures (depending upon budgets and individual creator situations). These advances are specifically based not on profits but on items such as timing of release, budgets, and, for TV, it depends on when, where and how many episodes are aired, as there are additional per-episode amounts. There are also additional amounts paid for sequels, remakes and other such productions based on the property (and for TV, spin-offs, TV movies etc). All of this is prior to determining profit - they are guaranteed amounts that are paid by Platinum to the creators. While we happen to believe in our profit definition, it still is a "back end" position, and we want creators to receive guaranteed payments (other than up front option fees and other bonuses or payments) by the commencement of principal photography. This way, they don't have to wait until Platinum's profits are determined later on, and won't even have to depend upon the existence of profits from the financing studio."

The SPLASH regrets the errors and thanks Lee and Scott for being such good sports about it. While our reporting on the PLATINUM (or any other) deals should in no way be seen as advocacy, the SPLASH strives to report the news correctly and when we blow it we'll move quickly to get it right.

Scott Rosenberg's complete statement to the SPLASH, which goes into much more detail about the PLATINUM deal, has been posted on the COMICON.COM MESSAGE BOARD for perusal and discussion. Anyone wishing to contact Lee Nordling at PLATINUM, can e-mail him at:

The SPLASH's earlier recommendation, that creators read ALL contracts carefully, and to ALWAYS pass them on to an agent or entertainment lawyer before signing on, still stands (and goes double for us)!

6. GREEN MOVIE (poziv na saradnju)

Italijanska produkcijska kompanija GREEN MOVIE trazi ANIMATORE, LAYOUT i STORYBOARD autore za novi animirani film napisan od strane nobelovca Dario Fo-a.

Oni traze samostalne autore i/ili timove i/ili kompanije iz Evrope, pogotove iz susednih ili italiji blizih zemalja.

Produkcioni period je od MAJA 2000 - JUNA 2001, i bice radjen sirom Evrope i Italije. Selekcioni period ce biti pocetkom Jula 1999., stoga bi trebalo pozuriti.

Za sve sto vas interesuje mozete ih kontaktirati putem elektronske poste na sledecoj adresi:

Kandidati treba da imaju iskustva u radu na tradicionalnim celovima (cel animation productions).

Kompanije ce imati mogucnost da dogovore rad u svojim maticnim kucama tako da se njihov rad moze nadgledati. "Slobodnjaci" to jest samostalni autori ce se doseliti u produkcioni grad, najverovatnije Milano, Italija.



Za ljubitelje domacih autora uz poziv svim zainteresovanim autorima koji su zainteresovani da objave par svojih kratkih radova za promotivne svrhe da ga kontaktiraju.


Dobio sam e-mail sa molbom za informacijama o "izgubljenom" stripu... Posto moram priznati da ne znam o kom se stripu radi, zamolio bi vas da mi (ako je to moguce) pomognete...

Prica je izasla u Stripoteci, negde sredinom osamdesetih. "Neko" pokusava da nadje svoju izgubljenu ljubav, i na tom putu mu se pridruzuje jedna devojka... zajedno pronalaze ulaz u podzemno carstvo dusa umrlih...

Na ulazu u Carstvo izlecu leptirovi, duse umrlih... ulaze i tu ih sacekuje vladar koji dozvoljava da se "izgubljena ljubav" vrati u zivot. Jedini uslov je da uzme strelu i da odapne u bilo kom pravcu... strela ce neminovno pogoditi neku od niti kojim je celo carstvo isprepleteno. zivot za zivot...

Hvala i pozdrav,


Ako znate nekog ko bi bio raspolozen da svakog petka dobije email sa STRIP VESTIMA, posaljite mi njegovu email adresu ili mu predlozite da nam se on sam javi i tako upise na mailing listu.

Zlatko Milenkovic

e-mail: zmcomics@EUnet.yu
Zlatko Milenkovic, Petra Drapsina 16, 21000 Novi Sad